What is Article marketing?

article marketing

A Beginner’s Guide to Article Marketing

Article marketing is a promotional tactic that creates and distributes high-quality articles related to your business to attract customers. Unlike blatant ads, articles aim to provide value. When done right, article marketing can drive massive traffic and increase awareness for your brand.

This comprehensive beginner’s guide will explain what article marketing is, how and why it works, and provide actionable tips to succeed at promoting your business through informative articles. Let’s get started!

What is Article Marketing?

Skyrocket your engagement with article marketing!
Skyrocket your engagement with article marketing!

Article marketing refers to publishing various forms of written content like blog posts, articles, guides, list posts, etc., related to your business, brand, or website to acquire new customers.

These pieces of content, known as “articles,” allow you to showcase your knowledge while providing readers with helpful information or entertainment. You incorporate subtle calls-to-action within articles to convert readers into leads or customers.

For example, a life coach may publish articles like “10 Ways to Improve Your Morning Routine” or “Facing a Quarter-Life Crisis? How to Get Back on Track.” Within the articles, they link to their coaching website or offer a free consultation.

The articles aim to establish the coach’s expertise while drawing in people interested in those self-improvement topics without overtly promoting the business.

Article marketing works by:

– Establishing your credibility and thought leadership on topics prospects care about.

– Providing value rather than promoting yourself blatantly. This builds trust and goodwill.

– Incorporating subtle calls-to-action within articles, leading visitors to convert to your website.

– Getting your articles ranking prominently on Google and seen by more of your target audience.

Overall, article marketing employs content to attract your ideal customers, warm them up through valuable information, and convert them into leads.

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Why is Article Marketing Effective?


There are several reasons article marketing works well:

**Positions you as an authority** – Well-researched articles on topics related to your business showcase your knowledge. This thought leadership makes prospects more likely to buy from you.

**Improves visibility in search engines** – Optimized articles can rank highly in Google and drive targeted organic traffic to your site long-term.

**Gains backlinks** – Quality articles often get linked to from other sites, improving your site’s authority and rankings.

**Drives referral traffic** – Mentions and shares of your articles across social media and other sites. Refer readers back to your website.

**Provides value** – Informative articles demonstrate you are focused on educating rather than just selling. This establishes trust and goodwill with potential customers.

**Flexible promotion options** – Articles can be repurposed into graphics, videos, pitches, and more. This extends your reach.

**Cost-effective** – Article marketing has low barriers to entry and costs next to nothing besides your time invested.

The aim of article marketing is not necessarily to “go viral” or see immediate sales. It’s about slowly establishing domain authority, directing targeted traffic to your site, and nurturing leads through helpful education.

Key Elements of Article Marketing


For article marketing success, there are several elements to get right:

Choose the Right Topics


Topics should relate closely to your business offerings while also being subjects prospects actively search for information on. For example, a real estate coaching business could cover topics like “How To Stage Your Home For Sale.”

Conduct keyword research using Google’s Keyword Planner and related tools to identify topics with sufficient search volume and opportunities to rank well. This helps ensure people will find your articles.

Optimize On-Page SEO


Proper on-page SEO optimization improves your rankings on search engines for chosen keywords. This includes:

– Incorporating target keywords in titles, headers, meta descriptions, image names, URLs, and naturally within content.

– Using formatting like bolded text, bullet points, and numbered lists to ease scanning.

– Including relevant internal links to other articles (link juices).

– Embedding high-quality images with optimized alt text.

On-page SEO helps search engines understand your articles’ focus.

Promote Content Extensively


Don’t just “set and forget” articles after publishing. Promote them through:

– Social media posts
– Email newsletters with links to new articles
– Quora answers linking to your content
– Pitching articles to other sites for republishing
– Link inserts in blog comment signatures

The more quality links articles accrue, the higher they rank in search engines.

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Create Compelling Headlines


Including keywords is important, but headlines need to spark interest, too. Balance SEO needs with enticing phrasing like “How To Choose The Best Insurance Plan For Your Family” rather than just “Insurance Guide.”

Write Detailed, Unique Content


Thin content lacks substance. Craft articles over 1,000 words or more, providing extensive value. Include personal experiences, research, interviews, and actionable advice. Original content not found elsewhere is preferable.

The more useful your articles are, the more people will link to them and share them. Generic or stub articles fail to gain traction.

Article Promotion Strategies


To maximize article marketing results, incorporate promotional strategies like:

**Repurpose Into Multiple Formats**

– Turn written articles into videos, podcasts, and graphics for broader distribution.

– Create easily shareable article snippets for social media (listicles, stats, quotes).

**Guest Post Articles On Niche Sites**

– Reach new audiences by publishing articles on partner sites with link-back credits.

– Identify sites whose audiences would find your articles valuable.

**Email Outreach**

– Build relationships with publishers, journalists, and bloggers relevant to your topics.

– Pitch contributed articles or offer them resources related to their site’s niche.

**Optimize For Voice Search**

– Use natural language and conversational wording. Answer full questions.

– Feature commonly asked questions in titles and headers.

The more high-quality sites your articles get featured on, the more authority they convey to search engines.

Tracking Article Marketing Performance


It’s critical to track key performance indicators (KPIs), allowing you to gauge effectiveness and optimize efforts. Metrics to monitor include:

– **Pageviews** – how many visitors load your articles
– **Bounce rate** – how many leave immediately vs. continuing to browse
– **Time on page** – duration they stay engaged with content
– **Links earned** – how many sites link back to your content
– **Search engine clicks** – volume of visits from Google and other engines
– **Conversions** – desired actions like email signups, purchases from articles

Use analytics platforms like Google Analytics to track KPIs. Study trends to guide future content development.

Article Marketing Success Tips


Follow these tips to excel at article marketing:

– Really understand your target buyer personas before creating content. Tailor it specifically to what they want to learn.

– Focus first on providing immense value through articles rather than only conversions or revenue.

– Maintain consistency. Regularly publishing new, targeted articles keeps search engines and readers engaged.

– Leverage paid ads like Google Search campaigns to promote new articles and amplify reach.

– Don’t just set and forget evergreen articles. Freshen them up periodically with new stats, trends, and insights.

– Turn top-performing articles into lead magnets like opt-in templates, quizzes, or video summaries to capture emails.

– Repurpose articles into multiple formats like video and podcasts for greater visibility.

– Build an email list to notify subscribers whenever you publish new articles.

In summary, article marketing allows you to tap into content to attract and convert buyers in an informative, non-sales fashion. By focusing on helpful education over aggressive promotion, your articles can capture attention across the web and foster new customer relationships.

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